College of Business > Faculty > A to Z listing of Faculty > Shibu Philip

Shibu Philip

Academic Degrees

  • Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) (Graduated - 2019) DePaul University (USA)
  • Master of Technology in Engineering Management (Graduated - 2002)  Manipal University (IND)
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering (Graduated - 2000)  Mangalore University (IND) ​

Professional Certifications

  • Digital Media Buying & Planning Certification from IAB (2021)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) from PMI (2009)
  • Certificate in Program Management from George Washington University (2007)
  • Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University (2007) 


Shibu Philip is an established project management and technology leader with over 20 years of proven domestic and global business expertise in digital strategy, marketing, operations, and engineering management. Philip is skilled in leading global cross-functional teams with end-to-end ownership of strategy, planning, and operations for media and technology companies like Amazon, Yahoo and AOL. Philip is also a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). 

Philip earned his doctorate in business administration at DePaul University with the aim to bridge the academic-practitioner gap and drive meaningful impact in organizations. His ongoing research is focused in the areas of digital marketing, online advertising, and audience development.Philip is passionate about teaching graduate classes aimed at students looking to develop a career in digital marketing, project management, and operations management and looks forward to inspiring the next generation of business leaders.