College of Business > Student Resources > Business Student FAQs

Business Student FAQs
Business Student FAQs
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We welcome you to DePaul with a commitment to provide you with a high-quality, accessible, connected and safe education.

What should you expect? Here are answers to your frequently asked questions:

This quarter we are continuing to offer a robust schedule of on-campus courses and activities, with options for hybrid and remote learning.

If you have questions or issues involving the modalities offered for the courses you need to fulfill your degree requirements, please contact your advisor for assistance: Driehaus Undergraduate Programs Office advisors.

The Kellstadt Graduate School of Business admits new students each quarter and continues to provide flexible learning options that include asynchronous and mixed modality instruction because we know that many of you work from home part or all of the week.

Our Kellstadt Career Management Center, graduate student organizations and college centers offer a wealth of in-person and remote co-curricular programming and networking opportunities to help keep you connected.

Students should contact their Academic Advisors for assistance with registration. Students can find their advisors and schedule appointments through OneDePaul in Campus Connection.

Business undergraduate and graduate courses are offered in five instruction modes that provide flexibility for choosing the learning environment that is right for you. Three modes—On-Campus (P), Flex (FL) and On-Campus Hybrid (HB)—offer in-person or blended in-person and virtual learning. Two others—Online Hybrid (OH) and Online Asynchronous (OA)—are fully online.

Depending on the online course mode you choose, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with your course content, professors and fellow students live (synchronously), on your own schedule (asynchronously) or in a combination of both. You’ll access synchronous online class sessions via Zoom. Asynchronous course content, such as recorded lectures and homework assignments, will typically be posted on the university’s online learning platform, D2L.

For all modes of learning, our college is re-imagining the classroom experience, with an emphasis on devoting live class time to discussion, group problem solving and other interactive learning, while presenting other class content online, including pre-recorded videos that you can view on demand on your own schedule.

Students should refer to Campus Connect for registration information.

In-person or blended in-person/virtual learning is available in three of the business college’s course modes—On-Campus (P), Flex (FL) and On-Campus Hybrid (HB). Two other instruction modes—Online Hybrid (OH) and Online Asynchronous (OA)—are fully online. Other DePaul colleges and schools may offer courses in different instruction modalities.

Course Modality and Registration Code Class location What to expect This is a good choice for you if…
On Campus (P) In person on campus You’ll attend class on campus. On demand, pre-recorded content that complements your in-person learning may be posted on D2L, DePaul’s learning platform. You enjoy in-person learning with your peers and your professor in the same classroom.
Flex (FL) In person on campus OR online (synchronous) Classes are presented live, in-person and on campus with the option of attending remotely, live and with your camera on (to support class engagement) if you are unable to attend in-person. Your instructor will teach from a technologically enhanced on-campus classroom with tools to engage both in-person and remote learners, and will set attendance and participation requirements. You enjoy learning in the classroom, but want the flexibility to connect online when work, family responsibilities or travel prevent you from coming to campus.
On-Campus Hybrid (HB) In person on campus AND online (asynchronous) Course sessions alternate between online prerecorded content that you access on-demand and live in-person classroom learning, with your instructor setting the schedule. You want a blend of on-campus and online learning.
Online Hybrid (OH) Online (synchronous and asynchronous) This entirely online course modality blends on-demand online learning and live remote class sessions. Your instructor sets the schedule. You enjoy online learning but want regular live interaction with your professor and your peers.
Online Asynchronous (OA) Online (asynchronous) This popular all-online option provides you the most flexibility for when and where to learn. Class content is prerecorded, with optional live online activities. Your instructor will typically schedule an optional weekly Zoom chat for the class. You enjoy online learning and want the flexibility to fit study around your schedule, particularly if work, family and/or travel commitments are demanding.

For courses that include synchronous class time—whether in person or online—you are expected to be in class at the time scheduled for synchronous learning by your faculty member, barring emergencies. Whether live class time is recorded depends on the mode of the course and your faculty member’s discretion.

In general, here’s what to expect:

On-Campus (P): You are expected to attend class in-person, on campus at the class time and place scheduled. Faculty members are unlikely to record classes.

Flex (FL): Classes are presented synchronously and in-person, but if you are unable to be physically present for a given class you may access it live and online. With either choice you are expected to participate in class at the specific time scheduled. Faculty members may or may not record sessions to allow students to review material presented, and will set attendance and participation requirements.

On-Campus Hybrid (HB): Faculty members schedule HB course sessions to alternate between in-person class sessions, which you are expected to attend at the scheduled class time and place on campus, and asynchronous online learning you can access remotely on your own schedule. Faculty are unlikely to record in-person class sessions.

Online Hybrid (OH): Your classes will be entirely online; class time will be a blend of synchronous meetings, which you are expected to participate in at the scheduled time, and asynchronous recorded learning, which you can view at your convenience. Faculty members may record synchronous sessions to allow students to review material presented.

Online Asynchronous (OA): Your classes are entirely online, and presented asynchronously, with optional synchronous activities. Faculty may record the optional synchronous sessions for the benefit of students who could not attend at that time.

Your advisor also can provide more information about class modalities and meeting times.

Please be aware that for any course mode, students are expected to meet participation requirements and deadlines for completing coursework set by the faculty member. If you experience an emergency that affects your attendance or ability to meet requirements, please contact your faculty member.

The Kellstadt Graduate School of Business offers the following programs online:

MS in Accountancy
MS in Taxation
Part-Time MBA

View a full list of DePaul's online degree programs.

The Driehaus College of Business's Executive Education at DePaul offers fully online certificate programs for individuals, as well as customized onsite leadership development programs for organizations seeking to cultivate talent.

We are committed to offering you a high-quality DePaul education no matter if you are learning in-person, online or in ways that blend the two. Supporting this commitment is:

  • A business faculty that is focused on re-imagining how we can build inventive, connected and caring in-person and virtual learning experiences for you
  • DePaul’s 10+ years of experience in offering online learning
  • More than 1,000 faculty members—including 141 at our business college—who have completed DePaul’s award-winning training program in effective and engaging online teaching
  • Technology upgrades to classrooms across DePaul—including 73 classrooms on the Loop Campus—to provide a more dynamic experience for both in-person and remote learners

Mask wearing indoors at DePaul is no longer required but the university remains a mask-friendly campus. DePaul has upgraded its ventilation systems and cleaning protocols to mitigate the spread of airborne illnesses.

Visit the DePaul Health and Safety webpage for updates on public health measures on campus.

For students taking evening classes, DePaul offers a free inter-campus shuttle bus service between the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses. 

Review campus safety tips from DePaul’s Public Safety.

DePaul offers multiple study abroad travel opportunities. The business college offers a wide range of short-term seminars throughout the year and the university offers short-term and long-term study abroad opportunities.

Visit DePaul Study Abroad for the latest information about study abroad programs and travel updates.

Business undergraduates are encouraged to visit Destination Driehaus, a D2L site that serves as a college-wide hub for business majors to connect with resources, events, news and more. All undergraduate business students are automatically enrolled in Destination Driehaus. Log into D2L, click the ‘All’ tab under My Courses, and click on Destination Driehaus.

The Kellstadt Career Management Center connects graduate business students with resources, career and networking events, and offers more resources online via its Virtual Career Management Center. Contact the Kellstadt Career Management Center staff to learn more.

Many other opportunities to socialize and access university resources are only a few clicks away: