College of Business > Faculty > Endowed Faculty

Endowed Chairs, Professors and Fellows

​​​​​​​​​​Faculty chairs, professorships and fellowships at the Driehaus College of Business elevate academic quality and encourage a culture of creativity and discovery. These faculty positions are supported by endowments and gifts from organizations, foundations, alumni and individual benefactors — generous contributors who help the college recruit and retain the best faculty.

Meet the outstanding teachers, groundbreaking scholars and influential industry experts who are shaping business thought and practice through these roles.

"My appointment allows me to pursue research discoveries in the field of investment management and then share these findings with my finance students and industry professionals."

Pavel G. Savor, Christopher L. Keeley Chair in Investment Management

Pavel G. Savor 

"My work focuses on advancing ethics education across DePaul’s curricula as well as engaging the business community with research, case studies and expertise that raises awareness about best practices in corporate governance."

Daryl Koehn, Wicklander Endowed Chair in Professional Ethics

Daryl Koehn 

"Through my research I’ve had the opportunity to explore important housing and real estate investment trends that impact home buyers, investors and the real estate industry, and then present these findings to academic and business professionals around the world."

James D. Shilling, George L. Ruff Endowed Chair in the Real Estate Center 

James D. Shilling 

"My research focuses on less-than-fully rational decisions and their implications for financial markets and policy-making. I love sharing insights from this field of research with my students and encourage them to take responsibility for their future."

Hongjun Yan, Richard H. Driehaus Chair in Behavioral Finance​

James D. Shilling

James D. Shilling


Hui Lin
Deloitte Foundation Endowed Professor
Established with contributions from employees and leaders at Deloitte LLP as well as from the Deloitte Foundation, this five-year appointment honors faculty whose work embodies the Deloitte Foundation's spirit of diversity, innovation and excellence in accounting education. 

Tawei (David) Wang
KPMG/Neil F. Casson Endowed Professor 
The Neil F. Casson Endowed Professorship, funded by Neil F. Casson and KPMG partners and professionals, was established to support the teaching and research activities of a full professor who teaches in the School of Accountancy and Management Information Systems (SOAMIS).

Kelly Pope
Dr. Barry J. Epstein Endowed Professor in Forensic Accounting
This appointment supports teaching and research that advances forensic accounting. This rotating fellowship is endowed by alumnus, accountant and educator Barry Jay Epstein.

Molly Mercer
Ezerski Endowed Chair
This appointment supports teaching and research in accountancy. It was established through gift from alumnus and finance executive Ronald Ezerski.

Christine Gimbar
Mary Mindak
RSM Fellows
This fellowship supports teaching and research. It was funded through a gift from RSM US Foundation and RSM staff and partners who are DePaul alumni

Yujong Hwang
Kirsten Fanning
Ezerski Endowed Fellows
This fellowship supports teaching and research. It was funded through a gift from Ronald Ezerski who is a DePaul alumnus and the Patterson Foundation Director Emeritus.

Jose M. Liberti
Dr. William M. Scholl Endowed Chair in Finance
Publishes research in top finance journals and teaches corporate banking. Endowed by the Dr. William M. Scholl Foundation.

Sonya Seongyeon Lim
Driehaus Center for Behavioral Finance Fellow
Researches the behavioral aspects of financial decision-making. Endowed by alumnus and investment fund founder Richard H. Driehaus.

Pavel G. Savor
Christopher L. Keeley Chair in Investment Management
Bridges investment management theory and practice through teaching, research and industry outreach. Endowed by the late finance executive John L. Keeley and his wife, Barbara, to honor their late son, alumnus Christopher L. Keeley.

James D. Shilling
George L. Ruff Endowed Chair in the Real Estate Center
Leads academic research at the Real Estate Center, fosters educational and research engagement between DePaul and Chicago’s real estate community, and teaches in the MBA program. Endowed by hotel executive and alumnus George L. Ruff.

Charles Wurtzebach
Douglas and Cynthia Crocker Real Estate Center Endowed Director
Directs real estate education, research, industry outreach and professional development programs and the Real Estate Center at DePaul. Endowed by retired real estate executive Douglas Crocker II and his wife, Cynthia.

Hongjun Yan
Driehaus Chair in Behavioral Finance
Teaches and researches the psychology of investing and serves as academic director of the Driehaus Center in Behavioral Finance. Endowed by alumnus and investment fund founder Richard H. Driehaus.

Bin Jiang
Driehaus Fellow
Publishes research in the field of management, mentors faculty in producing high-quality research and teaches management students. Endowed by alumnus and investment fund founder Richard H. Driehaus.

Daryl Koehn 
Wicklander Endowed Chair in Professional Ethics
Teaches, researches and shares best practices for ethical decision-making and corporate governance. Directs the Institute for Business and Professional Ethics. Endowed by the late Callista Wicklander and her husband, Raymond, longtime supporters of DePaul’s mission and ethics education.

Alyssa Westring
DePaul Presidential Fellow
Teaches and researches organizational behavior and career management. Research program created by DePaul President A. Gabriel Esteban to examine diversity and inclusion issues influencing the recruitment, retention and success of diverse faculty, staff and students at DePaul.

Anthony LoSasso 
Driehaus Fellow
Publishes research on health and labor economics, health policy and health services and outcomes, which has been funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the National Institute of Mental Health. Endowed by alumnus and investment fund founder Richard H. Driehaus.

Brian Phelan
Driehaus Fellow
Researches and teaches topics encompasssing labor economics, demographic economics and applied econometrics. Endowed by alumnus and investment fund founder Richard H. Driehaus.