College of Business > Faculty > A to Z listing of Faculty > Thomas Berry

Thomas D. Berry

Academic Degrees

PhD, Finance, University of Missouri, 1981
MBA, Finance, DePaul University, 1977
BS, Finance, Western Illinois University, 1976


Thomas Berry is a professor​ of the Department of Finance & Real Estate. Until recently, Berry served as associate dean for faculty and student success at the Driehaus College of Business. A professor of finance, Berry has been teaching at DePaul since 1981. He specializes in corporate financial management and behavioral finance, and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in financial theory, corporate case analysis, managerial finance and decision theory.

Berry has also taught in the Chartered Financial Analysts Program for the Chicago Investment Analysts Society and the Certified Public Accounting Program​. Berry has conducted credit and valuation seminars and taught courses in Austria, Bahrain, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Russia and Spain. His teaching has resulted in several awards, including the University Excellence in Teaching Award, which he has won five times, and the Lawrence Ryan Award for outstanding undergraduate teaching, which he has received three times. Berry was also an inaugural invitee to the Vincent DePaul Society. 

Berry has been an active participant in numerous professional organizations and has served on the board of directors for the Academy of Finance, the Financial Management Association, the Midwest Finance Association, and the Academy of Financial Services. He has published numerous articles in professional journals including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Behavioral Finance and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.