DePaul University’s
top business students gathered this fall to be inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma,
the international honor society that recognizes business students for their
outstanding academic achievements. The Nov. 3 event at the Swissotel Chicago marked
the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Beta Gamma Sigma’s
DePaul chapter, which has more than 4,000 student and alumni members.
“I want to express
how very proud we are of you,” Misty Johanson, interim dean of the business
school, told students at the induction ceremony. “Some of you are the first in
your families to attend college. Some of you juggle work, family and other
responsibilities with your studies. Yet, through hard work and persistence, you
have risen to the top of your class.
We’re very glad that you are part of our DePaul community and look
forward to seeing you achieve great things as graduates of DePaul.”
Several special awards
were presented during the induction dinner, which brought together students, their
families and DePaul faculty and staff members. The Anthony C. Petto Award, which
recognizes one DePaul Beta Gamma Sigma member who also is a campus
leader, was given to Viktorija
Bieksaite, an economics major who helped design a mentoring program for DePaul
freshmen. The Beta Gamma
Sigma faculty award, which acknowledges outstanding faculty members for their
teaching, scholarship and service, was given to DePaul Marketing Professor Al Muniz.
Undergraduate students must be among the top 10 percent of all business majors at the Driehaus College of Business and graduate students must be in the top 20 percent of stduents at the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business to be invited for membership in the DePaul Beta Gamma Sigma chapter.

Marketing faculty member Rich Rocco (far left) and Interim Business Dean Misty Johanson (far right) celebrate the Beta Gamma Sigma DePaul chapter's 60th anniversary with students Brian Lively, chapter executive vice president; Lillian Kelly, chapter vice president of programs; and Viktorija Bieksaite, winner of the chapter's Anthony C. Petto Award.

Students who were the top academic acheivers in DePaul's business college celebrate their induction into the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society.

DePaul's newest Beta Gamma Sigma business honorary society inductees display their membership certificates.

Beta Gamma Sigma inductees and their families attended DePaul's annual ceremony Nov. 3 to welcome new members to the business honor society.

DePaul student Brenda Mutlu (center) was among the new inductees for Beta Gamma Sigma, the business honor society.

DePaul's chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma is marking the 60th anniversary of its founding, commemorated in this petition.

Lillian Kelly, vice president of university programs for the DePaul chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, welcomed new inductees to the honor society at the chapter's Nov. 3 dinner.

Brian Lively, executive vice president of the DePaul chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, spoke at the induction ceremony for students chosen to enter the business honor society this fall.

DePaul business major Viktorija Bieksaite serves as vice president for university relations for the Beta Gamma Sigma DePaul chapter, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this year.

Marketing Associate Professor Rich Rocco congratulated students for achieving Beta Gamma Sigma membership at the business honor society's dinner.

Marketing Associate Professor Rich Rocco presents student Viktorija Bieksaite the Anthony C. Petto Award from the Beta Gamma Sigma DePaul chapter for her campus leadership.

Marketing Professor Al Muniz (left) received an award for his teaching, scholarship and service from the DePaul Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma.

Faculty award winner Al Muniz, who teaches marketing at DePaul, addresses students at DePaul's Beta Gamma Sigma 2017-18 induction ceremony.