Associate Professor of Management Alyssa WestringAlyssa Westring, associate professor of management & entrepreneurship at the Driehaus College of Business, has been appointed by DePaul University as one of its two inaugural
Presidential Fellows.
Westring and Christina Rivers, associate professor of political science, were named fellows in a new research program created by DePaul President A. Gabriel Esteban to examine diversity and inclusion issues influencing the recruitment, retention and success of diverse faculty, staff and students at DePaul.
Westring will evaluate DePaul’s culture to identify opportunities to enhance the engagement, retention and career advancement for women and faculty of color, according to DePaul’s Newsline. Rivers will lead an effort for diverse faculty and students to form strong bonds through research, as well as a post-prison higher education initiative.
Westring joined DePaul’s business faculty in 2007 after earning a PhD in industrial and organizational psychology from Michigan State University. A 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award winner, she teaches courses that focus on organizational behavior and career management. Her research explores the interplay of work, family and life. As a
committee member of the
Women in Entrepreneurship Institute at DePaul, she and colleagues are studying the barriers to success for women business founders.
Read more about Westring’s appointment and the new Presidential Fellows program in Newsline.