The Center for Financial Services at DePaul University is a center of excellence for the Greater Midwest financial services community that delivers to students and practitioners the academic and extra-curricular programs that fulfill industry talent requirements and address the practical and theoretical interests of industry professionals.

The financial services industry demands workers who have ever more specialized knowledge and skills and whose training is relevant, up-to-date, theoretically sound and practically oriented. The industry also requires employees capable of servicing new and expanding markets that are increasingly diverse culturally and linguistically.
As a hub of national and international financial services activity and as a multicultural and multilingual city, Chicago is uniquely positioned, both in terms of the need and resources, to house a world-class Center for Financial Services. This Center offers continuous and integrated training to the global financial services industry.
Traditionally, the financial services industry has hired graduates from a variety of undergraduate and graduate business, marketing and communications programs, and provided advanced training through educational and training institutions including colleges, universities and executive schools. For the most part, financial institutions and their leaders have enjoyed little opportunity to directly guide the education and professional development delivered by academia to the industry. A number of institutions of higher education have established Financial Services Centers that are primarily oriented toward academic research. These centers serve a distinct purpose, but do not always address both the practical and theoretical needs of the banking and financial services industry.
Contact Us
Center for Financial Services
DePaul University
Suite 5500
1 E. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 362-8826