College of Business > About > Centers & Institutes > Institute for Business & Professional Ethics > B Academics

B Academics

​​B Academics Logo

B Academics is an academic professional organization made up of a global community of educators and researchers who provide resources to academics interested in benefit corporations and social enterprises. IBPE is a co-founder and sponsor of the organization.

You can learn more information about B Academics at, where you can also find an extensive repository of resources related to benefit corporations that IBPE helped create. IBPE Executive Director Summer Brown​ serves as board president and chair of B Academics.

B Academics also hosts annual roundtables, webinars and workshops.

A benefit corporation is a legal form of U.S. corporation established by state statutes that allows a business to prioritize a social objective over a financial bottom line. A benefit corporation may pursue stakeholder benefits and larger social interests over shareholder value maximization. In other words, benefit corporations are otherwise similar to standard for-profit businesses, e.g., they may make profits, may be shareholder-owned and may pay stock dividends.

A benefit corporation also establishes a public benefit purpose which cannot be changed or eliminated without a minimum of majority shareholder approval (and sometimes even two-thirds approval in some states).