“The community and people at DePaul are what make it truly unique." Kate Stevenson (LAS ’07, MBA ’16), a senior consultant at Clerestory Consulting, returned to DePaul to serve on a career panel for the “Journeys in MS Marketing” event.

Clinical Professor and Director of the MS in Marketing program Roger Lall organized the “Journeys in MS Marketing” event to highlight the successes of recent alumni and current MS students.

Jordan Tate, a current MS in Marketing student and account coordinator at O’Keefe, Reinhard & Paul advertising agency, participated in the "Journeys in MS Marketing" panel discussion on Sept. 28.

Nathan Chamberlain, a current MS in Marketing student and consultant at Confluence Global, shared career insights during the "Journeys in MS Marketing" event.

Lall hopes events like "Journeys in MS Marketing" will create a graduate marketing community for students to share knowledge and support each other with their education, job search and career advancement.
Kate Stevenson (LAS ’07, MBA ’16), a senior consultant at Clerestory Consulting, returned to DePaul to serve on a career panel for the “Journeys in MS Marketing” event on Sept. 28. Stevenson, who worked in the Driehaus College of Business Department of Marketing for over 10 years, hoped to share stories about her career path and encourage students to think outside the box.
“DePaul gave me everything,” Stevenson says. “As a Double Demon and former university employee, I feel like DePaul helped sharpen my analytical and critical-thinking skills to get me where I am today. This event is the perfect opportunity to share my story and inspire others.”
Clinical Professor and Director of the MS in Marketing program Roger Lall organized the “Journeys in MS Marketing” event to highlight the successes of recent alumni and current MS students. Stevenson was joined on the panel by Nathan Chamberlain, a current MS in Marketing student and consultant at Confluence Global; Anna Gong (MS ’17), an ecommerce digital marketing specialist at Bosch; and Jordan Tate, a current MS in Marketing student and account coordinator at O’Keefe, Reinhard & Paul advertising agency. Representatives from the Kellstadt Career Management Center, Kellstadt Academic Success Office and the Alumni Sharing Knowledge Network also presented to students.
The panel discussion is part of a new initiative, called the Marketing Leaders Community, that seeks to create networking opportunities for DePaul graduate marketing students, alumni and faculty.
“I hope marketing students got a better appreciation of the resources that are available for their success here at DePaul,” Lall says. “Most of all, I hope that students gained a perspective from the recent graduates about their journey and how DePaul education has helped them in finding jobs and in performing their current jobs.”
Students Gain Career Tips from Alumni
Raleigh Meier is a current MS in Marketing student who attended the Journeys in Marketing event. The community aspect of the event intrigued her and she was interested in having access to the support of faculty, staff, alumni and other students to find success in her field.
“The alumni speakers were a huge help in providing advice on the job hunt,” Meier says. “Hearing what classes they found most helpful, what trends they’ve seen in the marketing field and how they found their current jobs provided some great direction for the rest of my degree. The great advice from career and alumni services supplemented this and gave us a helpful next step as to where to look for career guidance.”
Lall’s goal of building a graduate marketing community is to have like-minded students come together with shared interests to support and care for each other. Through a new dedicated LinkedIn page and events like the “Journeys in MS Marketing,” he hopes the community will share knowledge and will support each other with their education, job search and career advancement, as Kate Stevenson is doing.
“The community and people at DePaul are what make it truly unique,” says Stevenson. “From faculty to staff to students, there is an incredible commitment to values, and strong work ethic, that bind together the people under the DePaul umbrella. Participating in programs like this panel helps maintain my connection to this special place and I hope I can pay it forward by encouraging the future marketing leaders.”
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