College of Business > About > Centers & Institutes > Driehaus Center for International Business > Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

In the classroom

Teaching International Students

The College of Business has seen a dramatic rise in international student enrollment, giving all students and faculty greater exposure to other cultures and business practices. However, international students also often come into the classroom with different expectations and assumptions of how a course may be conducted.

To help prepare faculty for these realities, the Center has collaborated with a number of DePaul offices to hold events with international students and discussions with other faculty members who have more experience teaching abroad.

Guest Speakers

The Center has facilitated many guest speakers for undergraduate and graduate classes. Examples include the German Minister of Economic Affairs, the Lithuanian Economic Minister, and Otto Group's VP of Human Resources.

If you are interested in integrating international activities in your classroom, such as hosting a Chicago-based International Trade Commissioner as a guest speaker, please contact

Visiting Scholars

Driehaus College of Business and the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business host a limited number of visiting scholars on the Chicago campus each year. If you are interested in either a research or teaching opportunity, please submit a brief description of your desired collaboration and your curriculum vitae to


International Business Seminar

Are you interested in leading an International Business Seminar this year? Want to know more about the International Business Seminar program? You can submit proposals, apply online as well as read Study Abroad guidelines through the university's International Programs/Study Abroad program. (You'll need your Campus Connect credentials.)

Make a Video of Your International Experience!

Consider making a short introductory video to promote your international business seminar. We will post a link to the videos on this website. If you are interested, please contact James Moore at

Visiting Scholars

The Driehaus College of Business has an ongoing relationship with the following universities, at which DePaul professors have taught and performed research:

Kazan Federal University, Russia
Aalto University, Finland
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Brazil
Cornivus University, Hungary
University of Vienna, Austria
Tilburg University, Netherlands
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, India
Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Henan University, China
Huaqiao University, China

Depending on the hosting university's arrangements, faculty may seek outside funding to support travel, housing and research activity. One possible source is the Core Fulbright Scholar Program. Please contact DePaul's campus representative FeMia Haynes in the Office of Sponsored Research at or (312) 362-6594.

For more information on these or other potential opportunities, please contact Zafar Iqbal at or (312)362-7232.

To learn about other funding opportunities, study abroad resources, and international polices and procedures please visit the Global Engagement website.

Any further questions on existing or potential programs can also be directed to Zafar Iqbal at or (312) 362-7232.​