College of Business > About > Centers & Institutes > BETA Hub > Classes

Students talking to each other in a classroom

As technology transforms the way the world does business, demand for tech-savy business graduates continues to grow.

At the BETA Hub, we work with Driehaus College of Business professors to integrate data, analytics and new technology (both software and hardware) so that DePaul business students receive hands-on training and experience in their classes.

In addition to working with existing courses that provide students with a foundation in data, analytics and business technology, we partner with professors across disciplines to launch new, cutting-edge classes that keep business curriculum fresh and valuable.

Expose your students to data skills.

If you're teaching a class that would benefit from BETA Hub​'s resources, such as data sets or research assistance, click on the following link to get started. Faculty who would like to propose a new class may also fill out this form.

Business course request
