College of Business > About > Centers & Institutes > Driehaus Center for International Business > Student Resources > Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Short-Term Study Abroad

Over every December, Spring and Summer, students have the opportunity to partake in short-term study abroad Business Seminars. They are typically 9-14 days in length and offer both undergraduate and graduate students a full credit course. Participants meet at 3-4 times prior to their scheduled departure to prepare for the trip through lectures, assignments and discussions to add to the rich business and cultural experience in the country of their destination. A post trip meeting and final assignments are also required.

The Business Seminars are created and led by DePaul College of Business faculty who have extensive knowledge of and contacts in the countries being visited and studied. While overseas, students will have a rich combination of classroom instruction, corporate site visits and cultural excursions.

The Center for International Business offers scholarships to students participating in a Business Seminar. Applications are open to undergraduate and graduate Business students with a GPA of 3.20 or above and will be evaluated based on essay responses and financial need (FASFA required).

All study abroad programs are facilitated by DePaul's Study Abroad Office. The office provides student advising to ensure that your study abroad experience will fulfill your academic and personal expectations. All information and application materials are on the office's website. For any questions, please contact the Study Abroad Office at or (312) 362-6962.

Long-Term Study Abroad

A number of extended overseas study opportunities are available and offer classes to fulfill both liberal studies and business major requirements. Ongoing business programs include locations in London, Budapest, Sheffield, Linkoping, Melbourne and Switzerland.

Classes are taught in English at partnering universities around the world. Internship opportunities also may be available, depending on the program.

All study abroad programs are facilitated by DePaul's Study Abroad Office. The office provides student advising to ensure that your study abroad experience will be fulfill your academic and personal expectations. All information and application materials are on the office's website.

For any questions, please contact the Study Abroad Office at or (312) 362-6962.​