Download: Year-End Summary 2019-2020
· Continued our Ethics Series Partnership with the Union League Club of Chicago
o “Elections, Privacy and Analytics” – March 2019 (in collaboration with the ULCC Public Affairs Committee and DePaul Center for Journalism Integrity and Excellence) (We had over 110 registrants for the event)
▪ Carol Marin, NBC 5
▪ Dan Sinker, communications technology expert and political analytics expert
▪ Professor Jason Martin, director, DePaul Center for Journalism Integrity and Excellence
· DePaul Minicases Site
o Conducted a search for proposals from marketing companies to assist us in building a marketing campaign launch for the DePaul Minicases site
o Targeted template emails sent to specific audiences (i.e. DePaul faculty, business/community, broader academic contacts)
o Bundled Case Marketing around themes in conjunction with our other events (i.e. cannabis use at work; automation and privacy)
o Created lists of academics, research organizations, businesses/organizations and journalists to target market our case site
o Developed a media press kit with unique graphics and messaging for DePaul Minicases
o Partnered with the Office of Teaching and Learning to create a specific web page (as part of their online resources for faculty) on how to effectively use case studies for teaching and included DePaul Minicases
o Over 70 faculty now use these cases
· Benefit Corporations
o Summer Brown attended Fourth Annual B Academics Roundtable in Los Angeles - September 2019 and presented on the legal developments in the US in the benefit corporation space.
o Summer was elected to the founding Board of Directors in the role as Corporate Secretary and helped to legally establish the non-profit for B Academics.
o DePaul University/Institute for Business and Professional Ethics is a Founding Institutional Member for the B Academics, and B Academics will feature DePaul and IBPE logos and marketing materials on its website, conference materials and direct traffic to the Benefit Corporation Gateway site.
o B Academics received the Collective Action Award at the 2019 B Labs Champions Retreat for our excellence in creating and growing an academic space for the study of benefit corporations.
o Summer was selected to represent B Academics and DePaul in the B Lab Policy Roundtable featuring academics, corporate executives and other think tank analysts to develop a new policy agenda for growing social entrepreneurship and adjusting investment markets/financing for benefit corporations.
o Summer presented to the Illinois Bar Association - Business and Securities Law Section on updates in the benefit corporation law across the United States and how the legislation can be more effective in Illinois.
· Hosted Annual DECA Business Ethics Case Competition - February 2020
o We coordinated with DePaul Admissions to market the event to high school DECA teams to compete and take a tour of DePaul as part of an initiative for student recruitment.
o Forty-two students participated in the competition and two IBPE Board Members (Flynn McRoberts, Bloomberg and Anne Gross, KPMG) judged students and provided real-time feedback to the ethical problem presented.
o Sponsored two DePaul students to attend the National DECA Collegiate Competition and compete in the business ethics category.
· Hosted famed architect Geoff Goldberg (G. Goldberg and Associates) to provide a talk to our Board of Directors on the topic of architecture and ethics.
· Published three new issues of the academic journal, Business and Professional Ethics Journal in conjunction with the Philosophy Documentation Center.
o We began a partnership with the University of Illinois-Chicago and DePaul Emeritus Professor Patricia Werhane to help publish a series of interviews with original pioneers in the academic business ethics space. Some of these interviews will appear in two special issues of BPEJ in 2021-2022.
· Awarded two Wicklander Fellowships for the 2019-2020 Academic Year
o Joseph Mello, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
▪ “Pot for Profit: In Search of a Recipe for Responsible Reform”
o Dr. Grace Lemmon, Associate Professor, Department of Management & Entrepreneurship, Driehaus College of Business
▪ “Weight-based Stigma at Work”
· Awarded the Patricia Werhane Business Ethics Scholarship to Riley O’Neil, a graduating Senior at DePaul, majoring in Finance and minoring in Philosophy. Applicants must be students either majoring in philosophy and minoring in a business field, or majoring in a business field and minoring in philosophy.
· “Cannabis Reform: Criminal Expungement and Racial Disparity” - The Institute, in partnership with the Center for Public Interest Law in the DePaul University College of Law, held a forum to explore issues around how cannabis reform can impact the community, particularly the minority community, through the expungement process, and open avenues for entry into the now legalized cannabis economy. – January 2020
o We were honored to host the following speakers:
▪ Majority Deputy Leader Representative Jehan Gordon-Booth (Illinois State Representative, 92nd District)
▪ Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly M. Foxx
▪ Esther Franco-Payne, executive director of the Cabrini Green Legal Aid Clinic
▪ Courtney Kelledes, Attorney at Law, Rights and Restoration Law Group (moderator)
o We had over 150 registrants, including students, faculty and Chicago community members.
o This event also generated national press, as we were featured in a syndicated news clip through Scripps that was featured on WTMJ-Milwaukee and ABC 7-Denver, among many other local news stations.
· Summer Brown and Daryl Koehn attended and served on the organizing committee for the 26th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC) in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by Dublin City University - October 2019
· Organized a two-day Ethics Across the Curricula Workshop for DePaul faculty to learn how to better integrate ethics into their courses, regardless of discipline. (Scheduled for April, 2020, canceled due to the pandemic)
· IBPE Board of Directors
o Sterling Sullivan, an IBPE Board Member, passed away this past year and was memorialized at a Board meeting.
o Michael Flynn, an IBPE Board Member, retired after over 20 years of service on the Board.
o Flynn McRoberts, Bloomberg News, was elected as the new Board Chair for the 2019-2021 term.
· Professor Daryl Koehn gave multiple presentations:
o “A Virtue Ethics Critique of Behavioral Ethics,” European Academy of Management, Lisbon, Portugal, June 28, 2019.
o “A Virtue Ethics Critique of Behavioral Ethics,” Society for Business Ethics, August 11, 2019.
o “Virtue and the Self,” Society for Business Ethics, August 11, 2019.
o “Virtue and the Self,” Academy of Management, August 12, 2019.
o “Toward a New (Old) Theory of Responsibility: Moving beyond Accountability,” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) International Conference – Atlanta, GA, February 2020.
o Chosen as the Bentley College Verizon Professor of Business Ethics and gave the Verizon Lecture in November 2019: “What's Ethically Wrong with Behavioral Economics?”
▪ “Ethical Challenges Associated with Culture Type,” Bentley College class, November 20, Bentley College.
▪ “Do Business Ethics Exist? The Challenge Posed by Milton Friedman,” Bentley College class, November 21, Bentley College.
o “Groundhog Day and the Nature of Evil (via Zoom, in partnership with the DePaul Philosophy Circle) - May 20, 2020
o Feature in The DePaulia on Daryl’s teleworking experience during the pandemic
· Prof. Koehn continues to have an active research agenda.
o In recognition of her research contributions to business ethics, she was appointed Visiting Verizon Business Ethics Professor, Bentley College, 2019-2020.
o Koehn, D. 2019. “How Would Confucian Virtue Ethics for Business Differ from Aristotelian Virtue Ethics?” Journal of Business Ethics 39(1), .
o Koehn, D. 2019. “Crucial Differences among Three Types of Apologies and Their Shared Ethical Grounding in Integrity,” In Joanne Ciulla and Tobey Sharding (eds.), Ethical Business Leadership in Troubling Times, Edward Elgar Publishing: 117-135.
o Koehn, D. 2020. “Ancient Views of Practical Wisdom,” coauthors German Scalzo and Manuel Cruz Ortíz de Landázuri, accepted for publication in Handbook of Practical Wisdom in Business and Management, in series International Handbooks in Business Ethics, eds. Luc van Liederkercke, Christoph Luetge, Alejo J.G. Sison, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-00140-7, forthcoming.
o In addition, Prof. Koehn has been editing (along with David Bevan) two special issues of Business and Professional Ethics featuring reflective interviews with the founders of the discipline of business ethics.
· Prof. Koehn actively serves on a number of boards:
o Member of Board and Acquisition Co-Editor for Springer Series "Issues in Business Ethics" 2008-present.
o Member of Board for Emerald Insight Series Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 2009-present.
o Member of the Board for International Society for Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE), 2012-present.
o Member of the Advisory Board for Ethics at the top-ranked European Business School IESE 2020-present.